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Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease


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Photo of classical homeopath Valerie Sadovsky in Seattle, WA

Valerie Sadovsky, CCH, RSHom(NA), P.G.Hom. 
Certified Classical Homeopath

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is an alternative medical system. Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice, and often have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used in the United States. Homeopathy takes a different approach from conventional medicine in diagnosing, classifying, and treating medical problems.

Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms and processes so as to prevent or treat illness.  Treatment in homeopathy is individualized (tailored to each person). Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only symptoms but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors. 
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Treatment involves giving very small doses of substances called remedies. Homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances by a process of repeated dilution and shaking, which makes them capable of stimulating the healing process.  Remedies are given to stimulate the whole body to heal itself, while regular drugs are given to take away specific symptoms generally from specific parts of the body.
Seattle homeopathy
Classical homeopathy employs only one homeopathic remedy at a time, matching it as fully as possible to the total symptom picture of the individual. It is used for acute ailments in home care and for chronic conditions under professional supervision. Its effectiveness depends on accurate remedy selection and assessment of the remedy's action, as well as an understanding of the fundamental principles of homeopathy.

Research has repeatedly shown homeopathy does work and is not a placebo effect.  If you would like more information about homeopathy research, visit Homeopathy Research Institute. If you are looking for information about homeopathy in general or accessing homeopathic treatment, please visit National Center for Homeopathy.

About Valerie Sadovsky, CCH, RSHom(NA), P.G.Hom.

I have been studying and practicing classical homeopathy for more than 20 years.  I became interested in homeopathy after conventional medicine failed to help with a chronic condition I had battled since childhood.  After taking a homeopathic remedy I made a sudden, seemingly miraculous recovery.  My fascination with the science, art and philosophy of homeopathy eventually resulted in a career change from software engineering to homeopathy.  I received professional education in classical homeopathy at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy and received a post-graduate diploma in homeopathy (P. G. Hom) from Allen College of Homeopathy (U.K.)  I'm
certified in classical homeopathy by the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC).  I am a registered member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), a practitioner member of the National Center for Homeopathy, and a certified member of the Pacific Northwest Homeopathy Association (PNWHA).

My practice focuses on whole family health and well-being, taking into account both acute and chronic conditions.  I conduct my homeopathic practice through Athena Holistic Health located in Redmond, a suburb of Seattle.  

I offer online and in-person consultations.  Consultations are by appointment only. Office hours are  Monday - Friday, from 10 am to 7 pm.  Weekend appointments are available by request. To schedule an appointment, please call 425.241.4376, or send an email.

If you are not sure that homeopathy is the therapy you want to pursue, but would like to find out how it may be able to help you, I offer complimentary 30-minute consultations (in-person, online, or by phone) to discuss your individual situation.  To schedule your complimentary consultation, please call 425.241.4376, or send an email.

Insurance coverage for alternative health care, including homeopathy, varies with insurance plans.  You should check with your provider. You may also be able to use your Flexible Spending Account or Health Saving Account.

The services I provide are not intended to replace standard medical care.  Homeopathy views health and illness in a holistic manner and aims to increase a person’s general level of vitality, health and constitutional strength.  I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any particular disease, condition or symptom.  It is therefore essential for people who consult with me to be under the care of a primary care provider for diagnoses, treatment and oversight of medical conditions for themselves and/or their children. 

I offer reduced fee homeopathic consultations to people who wouldn't be able to afford homeopathic treatments otherwise.  Availability depends on my workload at the time.  To help support access to homeopathy, you may consider contributing to my reduced fee fund.

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Contribute to reduced fee fund:

My practice is not nonprofit, so if you choose to donate, your donation will not be tax-deductible.


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